
CIBA’s 1st AGM 2023

On the 31st March 2023, Cambodian Insurance Brokers Association (CIBA) organized its 1st AGM held at GIA Tower located at Diamond Island, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This event was presided over by Dr. Hor Sovathana, Deputy Director General of Insurance Regulator of Cambodia (IRC). The event was attended by Chairman of Insurance Association of Cambodia (IAC),

The 1st CIBA Management Committee Meeting

On 29th December 2022, Chairman of CIBA, Sophat MEAS, leaded the monthly Management Committee Meeting on the following agenda: 1. 2022 Achievements of CIBA 2. Professional Training Course and Code of Conduct for Insurance Brokers 3. 2022 – 2025 CIBA Strategic and Action Plans 4. Other Matters

The Future of Insurance Industry in Cambodia

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not.

The 1st Election to Select the Management Committee Member of Cambodian Insurance Brokers Association

In the afternoon of Friday 25th March 2022, H.E BOU Chanphirou , Director General of Insurance Regulator of Cambodia accompanied by Deputy Director General, presided over the 1st Election to Select the Management Committee Member of Cambodian Insurance Brokers Association, which held in The Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel, Phnom Penh. This event was organized by